Monday, September 22, 2008


Niklas Nylund @ CityU HK (from Helsinki School of Economics, Finland) 15-19 September 2008

Monday, 15 September 2008

Since we had a day off from school today, we decided to go to the beach. We headed for Clear Water Bay, which turned out to be a quite nice beach. We liked it so much that we stayed there for the whole evening. Seeing how the moon reflected on the water was really nice, interestingly the color of it was different than that at home.

On our way back, we decided to get some fast food. We went to Pizza Hut, but it turned out to be quite different from what we are used to eat at home. It was far from fast food; we had to wait for 30 minutes to get our pizzas.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

After a relaxing week end it was once again time to head back to school. Today I only had one class, so there was plenty of time for other activities as well. After school we went to Mong Kok to book train tickets for Beijing, but it turned out to be a lot more difficult than we had anticipated. We returned back home without the tickets, but we had dinner there so the trip was not completely in vain. I also bought a DVD there, which I watched in my room later that night.

Wednesdat, 17 September 2008

Today I had to spend more time than usual at school. I spent two hours in the library for reading. After I finished reading i picked up two DVDs from the library. We also worked on our case study for the Marketing in China class. Our group got along really well, so it was fun to do it. After I got back to the student residence, I went to Homey Kitchen to get some food. Later that evening I went to the gym.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

I only had a finance class today. The lecturer was in a really good mood today. He just kept talking about his latest investments in the stock market, which had been quite successful. It was nice to listen to him, because he was really enthusiastic about it.

We still wanted to go to Beijing next week, but after not being able to get train tickets, we decided to go there by plane instead. We booked the flights and a hostel room, hoping to get our visas on time.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Today we got some good news from our home university concerning our classes here at CityU. It was a big relief for us all, so we decided to go out and celebrate it. We therefore went to TST and had dinner at a Singaporean restaurant. The food was really good, but their milkshakes could have been better.

After having dinner, we went to a small park nearby the restaurant. For some reason the security guard wanted us to leave, even though it remains unclear for us for the reason to leave. When we got back to the student residence, we sat down on the lawn and just enjoyed each other's accompany.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Karina Buch Jensen @ CityU HK (from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), 8-12 September 2008

Monday, 8 September 2008

I went to the gym for the first time here, it was really nice! I had Mandarin and HRM classes in the afternoon and met up with Tine, Mari, Britt and Henriette for dinner. We tried to plan our trip to China but I think we all need to do a little research on what we want to do before making the final plans!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

I went for a morning-swim with Hanne. Later I went to Central to have lunch with Mari. We went all the way up the mid-levels escalator and from there we continued to the Botanical and Zoological Garden, which was really nice. On the way back down we went by the Peak-tram and decided to take the ride up to the Peak. I’m glad we did, the view from up there is amazing!!

Wednesday, 10 September 2008
I had classes from 9.30 to 1.30 today and afterwards I went back to my room to study a bit and do some research on China for our trip. In the evening I went to the grass and had a beer with some of the other exchange students and afterwards we went to Wanchai and Skitz for Ladies Night.

Thursday, 11 September 2008
I slept in today after last night and went to class at noon. I had to wait three hours between classes so I went to the library to study a bit. In the evening, I had dinner with Britt and Mari and watched a movie.

Friday, 12 September 2008

I went swimming in the morning and afterwards I went to Mong Kok/ Prince Edward and to the Flower Market. The I had classes at 3.30 and afterwards I went to dinners with some of the other girls. Later we joined the SRO’s mid-autumn festival, where we made mooncakes, wrote our names in Cantonese and played different games. It was a really nice evening.



Simon Fisher @ CityU HK (from University of Bath, UK), 8-12 September 2008

Monday, 8 September 2008

I have not been up to a great deal today, just recovering from late nights on the weekend. I went to Lan Kawi Fong last night for drinks in the lively clubbing centre. Mondays are lecture free for me, so today I took the opportunity to finish organising my classes and general admin tasks. I took a walk down Cornwall Street to try and get my bearings outside of the campus / residence, still need to find the nearest local supermarket other than “Taste” in Festival Walk to do a food shop. I’ve heard there’s a good market in Sha Tin a short bus ride away, but I think that will be an adventure for another day!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Today has largely been occupied by lectures and tutorials. This morning I had to watch an induction video at the gym on campus so I can get a card to use the gym. Then I met some friends in the canteen for a light lunch of traditional dim sum – steamed dumplings served in small bamboo baskets. Also bumped into some local students that we know from week 1 and ate with them and some of their friends which was good. Then had lectures until 10:20PM which was heavy, so very tired now, heading for an early night now I think!

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Got up early this morning to check out the History museum in Kowloon. The History and Science museums are free on a Wednesday so we thought we would take advantage. The museum was very insightful, learned lots about the evolution of Hong Kong, particularly the last 100 years and its colonial history. Unfortunately I had a lecture early afternoon so I didn’t have enough time to pop over to the science museum. We have to save that for another day as I’ve heard good things about it.

Then had lectures until 8:30pm. It was quite interesting as one of them used a PDA to interact with the class which is a new one on me. Tonight we are heading out to a club called Skitz in Wan Chi, seems to be a popular place with the ex pat and exchange students. I prefer the more local places to be honest, but everyone seems to head to Skitz on a Wednesday as it is ladies night, so I will follow the crowd!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Today has been another slow day, recovering from a late night last night and going to afternoon classes. I tried to sit down to do some work in between lectures but the humidity seems particularly high today, making it very difficult to concentrate on everything without turning the air conditioning up to full blast. I may go for a swim later in the campus pool just to cool off. I find it difficult to work and sleep in the heat, but I am slowly getting used to it! Hopefully as the month goes on it will cool down a bit. Other than the heat I am feeling very settled now. HK almost feels like home already even though I’ve only been here for coming up to three weeks.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Today has been fun. My buddy took me to Mong Kok for dinner and a few drinks. I’ve been to Mong Kok twice before, once to buy some new shoes and once to eat at a Korean Barbeque place. But tonight it seemed busier than usual, I guess because it is a Friday night and mid-autumn festival celebrations are kicking in. We found a relatively local looking place to eat and I had a Vietnamese Satay which was one of the best meals I have had to date.

Then we went for a walk around some of the many shopping malls – found a place that sold really cheap tailored suits and shirts. I may have to invest in a new suit from here before I leave. Also indulged in a drink I have become quite fond of made from soya bean milk, called Dow Joan (no sure of the correct spelling!) On my way back to campus I met a pal from my floor at amid-autumn party on the residence which was fun to join in for a while. Going to bed now, it’s late and tomorrow we are heading to central to join in with the mid-autumn festivities.


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