Monday, September 22, 2008


Niklas Nylund @ CityU HK (from Helsinki School of Economics, Finland) 15-19 September 2008

Monday, 15 September 2008

Since we had a day off from school today, we decided to go to the beach. We headed for Clear Water Bay, which turned out to be a quite nice beach. We liked it so much that we stayed there for the whole evening. Seeing how the moon reflected on the water was really nice, interestingly the color of it was different than that at home.

On our way back, we decided to get some fast food. We went to Pizza Hut, but it turned out to be quite different from what we are used to eat at home. It was far from fast food; we had to wait for 30 minutes to get our pizzas.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

After a relaxing week end it was once again time to head back to school. Today I only had one class, so there was plenty of time for other activities as well. After school we went to Mong Kok to book train tickets for Beijing, but it turned out to be a lot more difficult than we had anticipated. We returned back home without the tickets, but we had dinner there so the trip was not completely in vain. I also bought a DVD there, which I watched in my room later that night.

Wednesdat, 17 September 2008

Today I had to spend more time than usual at school. I spent two hours in the library for reading. After I finished reading i picked up two DVDs from the library. We also worked on our case study for the Marketing in China class. Our group got along really well, so it was fun to do it. After I got back to the student residence, I went to Homey Kitchen to get some food. Later that evening I went to the gym.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

I only had a finance class today. The lecturer was in a really good mood today. He just kept talking about his latest investments in the stock market, which had been quite successful. It was nice to listen to him, because he was really enthusiastic about it.

We still wanted to go to Beijing next week, but after not being able to get train tickets, we decided to go there by plane instead. We booked the flights and a hostel room, hoping to get our visas on time.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Today we got some good news from our home university concerning our classes here at CityU. It was a big relief for us all, so we decided to go out and celebrate it. We therefore went to TST and had dinner at a Singaporean restaurant. The food was really good, but their milkshakes could have been better.

After having dinner, we went to a small park nearby the restaurant. For some reason the security guard wanted us to leave, even though it remains unclear for us for the reason to leave. When we got back to the student residence, we sat down on the lawn and just enjoyed each other's accompany.


For some useful tips on how to get a pass on the exam, I recommend that you visit this site. Make sure to do it as soon as possible. Good luck mate
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