Thursday, March 28, 2019


Pauline Kersjes | Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Asia Travels

Hong Kong’s wonderful location was one of the main reasons I chose it as a destination for my semester abroad. It is so central in Asia that a lot of exchange students, including me, got the chance to travel to more cities than we could have ever hoped for. Plane tickets are incredibly cheap compared to tickets from Europe to Asia, so of course I took my chances as well. 

Recommended by many locals, I took the trip to Macao in only my second week of the semester. A wonderful experience with many fantastic hotels, casinos, clubs and regrets the day after…

A couple of weeks later, I got to experience local life in Guangzhou. A friend of mine has a family there and were so kind to invite us to their home. A wonderful opportunity to experience the actual Chinese life instead of just seeing it from a touristic perspective. We got to try the local food, such as dim sum and luyu and did karaoke until the early morning.

I must say I completely turned into a tourist again when I visited Shanghai not long ago. This city was overwhelming to me with its long shopping streets and beautiful skyline. It was cool to experience the difference between Shanghai and Hong Kong first-hand. I was surprised by its peace and quietness and loved the atmosphere there! I enjoyed staying in a hostel, since it gave me the opportunity to meet many people from all around the world, with whom I played ping pong and drank some beers at the rooftop in the evenings.

What I probably enjoyed most was my four-day trip to Taiwan. I visited Taipei for two full days and explored the area, with some great villages, waterfalls and hikes the two days after. I loved the street markets and the friendly people who came to help us even when we tried to only frown a little.
Now the semester is almost over, which makes me happy and sad at the same time. I am sad to leave this amazing country, but also happy since I get one more chance to travel. I will spend two weeks in Bali with my boyfriend and then visit Thailand for three weeks with a friend. Can’t wait!

Travelling across Asia has taught me a lot and I am very grateful for that. I will miss it, but never forget it. Thanks Hong Kong, you were great!


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