Thursday, March 28, 2019


Levi Nijenhuis | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hong Kong: more than just a city

Drained in sweat and overwhelmed by the seemingly endless view of skyscrapers, I arrived at Hong Kong station after 11 hours of flight. Wandering through the streets and alleys, I noticed the buzzy and lively atmosphere of Hong Kong: hundreds of people walking in all directions, busy with their everyday life, whether they were talking on their phone to complete a business deal or just selling food. There are always people around you, wherever you go to in this amazing city. If you think Hong Kong is just a busy business hub, you will be surprised how relaxing and convenient some places in Hong Kong are. You can just quickly go to Victoria Harbor with subway and enjoy the beautiful skyline of Hong Kong Island, or head to Victoria Park to take a good rest by laying in the grass. Moreover, you do not need to worry about the public transport. Public transport network is perfectly arranged; especially subway, as it departs every two minutes. Just grab a drink at the 7-Eleven around every corner and visit one of the above locations. That’s the perfect way to spend your day off.

On top of that, I feel very safe in Hong Kong in terms of criminality, such as robbery and theft. You might not have expected such high level of security from a big city like Hong Kong with a population of over 7 million people. Even if you roam around the streets at night, you will feel at ease.

All in all, I experience Hong Kong as a really vibrant and convenient city; besides the humid and hot weather sometimes. It is more than just an ordinary big city!


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