Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Ruth Ameku | Aston University, United Kingdom

From an International Student to a Local Resident

Mid-Autumn Festival
While living in Hong Kong, I have had the privilege to experience the delightful Mid-Autumn Festival. This was a great opportunity to see Hong Kong in all of its glory. I experienced more great food, particularly the traditional ‘moon cakes’ which is eaten predominantly during the festival. And also watch the brightly colored dragons as they danced and pranced on the stage to the floor for entertainment. What a magnificent sight.
Unique Architecture 
In regards to the landscapes, Hong Kong has very colorful buildings. I admire their ability to bring life to an area just by adding a little color. This is very unique. These colorful buildings have the ability to make, what would be considered a very mediocre standard street to a fun place to take pictures and to brighten up your day!  There are more than just emotional benefits, but also psychological as brighter colors physically enable you to have a positive perspective. Therefore, allowing a happier and healthier lifestyle.

The Best Part of the Exchange Program 
The best part of the exchange program lies within the community. The locals are the heart of the community, whether they were born a resident or not. The geographical location of Hong Kong gives great freedom to explore the depths and breaths of places such as, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea and more. The heart of youth is always very curious. This experience quenches that thirst as it is very convenient to travel and explore Asia. I have found that beauty in every country varies but the people will always be the heart of the food, community and experience.


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