Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Ruth Ameku | Aston University, United Kingdom

Life Through My Lens

The Views
Personally, I can truly appreciate the night-lights in Hong Kong. The daily light shows by Victoria Harbor, and the night skyline; that can be seen from almost any tall building. These lights paint the sky with very vivid and vibrant colors. The lights also reflect onto the Harbor and creates a very cinematic feel to any traveler. Simply beautiful.

Culture and Cuisine
Upon memory, a study placement has by far been one of the best decisions I’ve made thus far. I recall the day I was informed I was coming here. Excited quickly became an understatement. As I have arrived and truly immersed myself in the culture. I find that Hong Kong is by far one of the most interesting cities I have been too so far. Both rich in culture and cuisine. The city does not only offer a unique range of traditional food such as dim sum and milk tea, but also other international snacks from the Western and Asian societies.

Finally, I’d like to comment on the beauty of Hong Kong’s nature. From sunset beaches to the botanical gardens; home to the national flower the Bauhinia. Not to mention the escape it gives you away from all of the hustle and bustle of the busy city. It is clear that the Hong Kong residents have a great understanding of the value of the environment and the refreshing atmosphere it can provide. Hong Kong has very diverse and has truly surprised me with its array of beautiful wonders. A place I can truly call home.


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