Monday, September 17, 2012


Panhuber Christian, from University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria

September 8, 2012 (Saturday)

After arriving in Hong Kong for nearly one and a half weeks, my friends and I decided that we should live the city for the first time. Going to the beach seemed a great idea to experience Hong Kong’s beautiful nature. Therefore we took the ferry from Central all the way to Lamma Island as we have been told that the beach there was beautiful

Being spontaneous, we ended up doing more hiking than swimming as we had planned. I would say the highlight of the day was when we walked through woods full of spiders. We had fun watching my friend, who was not particularly fond of spiders, being scared to death. Luckily, we finally managed to find the beach and enjoy the sea for the first time in Hong Kong.

September 9, 2012 (Sunday)

On Sunday we decided to visit the beach again, this time to the Sai Kung Beach. After taking diverse means of transport and a 40 min walk which was not tough at all thanks to the beautiful landscape along the way, we finally arrived.

A couple of meters
away from the beach, we found what we were actually looking for: A small waterfall with a narrow but deep pond suitable for some cliff diving. Having survived a couple of jumps from the cliff, we decided to head home. Only to find that there were amazingly long queues at the bus station. After a long ride, we were finally back to civilization.

September 12, 2012 (Wednesday)
Monday to Wednesday are the days in which my lectures are concentrated. Today, all my courses officially started and so I was busy with attending different classes, out of which the most challenging had to be Mandarin.

Trying to pronounce words in Mandarin proved to be quite funny, as some vowels and tones seem to be produced by somebody drunk – especially when it is a European saying it. That being said, I still haven't given up the hope to be able to master this language one day.

September 13, 2012 (Thursday)

As Hong Kong is a really interesting city and there is so much to see, my friends and I took every chance to explore the city. Today, we decided to do a bit of sightseeing in Hong Kong Island near Central. Following the route suggested in a travel-guide book, we passed by temples, museums, parks and used the Central-Mid-levels escalator which is supposed to be the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world (pretty long title, isn't it?). The escalator brought us all the way uphill from Central to the Mid-levels without having to take a lot of stairs.

One of the highlights of the tour was Hong Kong park, a beautiful park surrounded by skyscrapers (of course) with a waterfall and artificial caves.

September 14, 2012

After doing a bit of research on the internet, we decided to visit the Tsin Shan monastery in the New Territories today. Equipped with a screenshot of Google Maps, we were pretty confident of finding our way there. 

The maps were more difficult to read than expected, so instead we chose to follow our gut instincts and chose the path that we believed would lead us to our destination. Our instincts were proven to be wrong, as after searching for an hour we still saw no sign of the monastery. That’s when we resorted to the old-school method - using a compass, and found out that we went in the exact opposite direction. Those who have actually been following my blog may have recognized that my sense of orientation is… virtually non-existent. That left us with no choice but to head all the way back, to the other end of the path which thank god led up to the right direction. Although, after climbing a steep road uphill, we found out that the monastery had already closed half an hour ago.


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