Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Krzysztof Walczak, from Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

February 13, 2012 ( Monday )

Wishing festival in New Territories – sounds cool. But you should try it yourselves, to get know how awesome it really is. We took the MTR blue line to Tai Po, and then get on the bus. The journey took us almost one hour, but it’s definitely worth it. During wishing festival you can share your wishes with Chinese Gods. Then you have to attach your wish list to an orange and throw it so it would stay on one of the branches of the Holy Tree.

We were told that unfortunately Ancient Chinese Gods don’t speak English, but with little help of our local friends we were able to write it in Chinese. Hope it will work even though now the tree as well as the oranges are made from plastic…

Apart from the festival, there are obviously a lot of places to eat. Like everywhere in Hong Kong – you simply cannot take two steps without finding something delicious. It’s crucial to work out a little bit there to be sure not to put on weight.

February 14, 2012 ( Tuesday )

Today my local Hong Kong friends took us to the famous Sichuan cuisine restaurant – Valentine’s Day dinner for singles. It still amazes me, that you can try food from almost all over the world (and for sure from all over China) without leaving Hong Kong. This time the food comes from the region in Central China. I was warned that it’s spicy, but it didn’t really bothered me, cause I love Thai food. Anyway, be careful – this one is REALLY spicy. We’ve taken beef soups, steamed chicken and, my favorite, beef lungs. Don’t be scared, it’s absolutely delicious. The restaurant is close to the Jordan MTR station in case you’d like to visit it.

Hong Kong is a food paradise. I learned, that people here eat out very often. No wonder if everything is so delicious and of affordable price. Not the case of my country unfortunately – right there eating out is expensive and not that tasty.

February 15, 2012 ( Wednesday )

What’s the best what you can do if you miss your friends from home? Make new ones! The thing I like the most about exchange is getting to know so many people in such a short period of time. Each person has its own story, that is worth listening to. Having friends from all over the world (and obviously – from Hong Kong too) is what I always dreamt of. Now the dreams finally came true. Finland, Canada, Korea, Iran, Singapore, France, China, Poland, UK, Australia… So different countries, though we can still all hang out together and we understand each other perfectly.

I thought I got to know everyone during the Orientation Week. Not the case. The number of my new colleagues almost tripled from the first week at CityU.

February 16, 2012 ( Thursday )

I don’t have any classes on Thursday, so I decided it’s a good day to finally visit Macau – one of the most interesting places in close proximity to Hong Kong. I’ve been to Las Vegas before, and I’ve heard that Macau is like “the Vegas of the East”. Well, now I now that Vegas clearly loses this competition. Apart from pretty modern casinos and skyscrapers Macau has much more to offer – you can get lost in small streets of Portuguese colonial city of the oldest European colony in Asia. Truly incredible. Colonial architecture made me think of Mediterranean coastal cities, but this time it’s slightly different – you can see many Chinese and Asian influences in this old buildings. If you visit Hong Kong Macau is definitively a must.

February 17, 2012 ( Friday )

After a whole week of studying, sightseeing and many other fantastic experiences Friday is a perfect day to relax a little bit in Billy Boozer’s – favorite bar of exchange students at CityU. Nice place with relatively cheap drinks and very sympathetic owner, who really adores to welcome international students in his place. We even celebrated his birthday together.

As exchange students obviously are not the only customers there, it’s also a good way to look meet some Hong Kongers, or just to have a look at how they life passes by. Billy Boozer’s is a very local place and that’s probably why I really love it.


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