Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Christian Olivares @ CityU, HK (from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile) 13-17 October 2008

Monday, 13 October 2008

Today I went to my lecture of Chinese for non-mandarin speakers which I had so much fun because the teacher (Song laoshi) is so nice and she is always laughing.

After the lesson I went to have lunch with other friends at the garden cafe which is the best restaurant in the University. Then I came back to the residence to have some rest and to upload pictures to facebook from my last week trip to China (Beijing, Xi’An and Shanghai).

In the evening I went to have dinner at the homey kitchen, and then hung out with a friend until I came back to my room to do homework.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

I woke up today at 8:30 cause I had classes of Management and then Personal Finance. After that I met with a classmate from France to talk about a presentation we have to prepare for next week.

For lunch I just went to the University canteen that is always so crowded, to eat BBQ pork which is a very common dish here. Then I came back to my room to study and practice some characters for my next Chinese class on Thursday.

At evening a friend of mine came to my room to give me the pictures he took with his camera in the trip to Mainland. After that we went to the Homey Kitchen to have dinner.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Today I have no classes, so in the morning I spent some time calling home and my girlfriend, but didn’t speak much time cause she was going to sleep (we have 13 hrs of difference).

Then I went to have lunch to the Homey Kitchen, and back in my room did homework and studied a little bit.

In the evening, I just stood in my room watching "Heroes" and then went to a karaoke with my friends, where we had a great time singing.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

I had classes early at 9:30am and then had my Chinese class in the evening, so in the meantime I went to Mong Kok to get sneakers in the Adidas store, then came back to my room to study and to take a nap.

By night I went to have dinner at the Homey Kitchen.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Today I had classes in the afternoon and in the evening met with some friends on the lawn at the residence to have some beers and then we went out to Lan Kwai Fong, to keep partying.

There we had a great time dancing until we were all very tired, then we went to McDonalds to eat some “healthy food” and after that we took cabs to come back to the residence.


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