Thursday, November 16, 2017


Anne Churnakoses, CUNY - Baruch College, USA

Monday – 9/5/2016 

On Monday, I ended class early so my friends and I wanted to head to the Chi Lin Nursery and Nan Lian Garden. Being only three stops from Kowloon Tong, it was a short and easy trip to make from school. When we got there, I thought it was very beautiful. It is amazing to see so much green amongst the tall high-rise apartments. I was extremely impressed to see “Golden Pavilion”; it was very elegant and beautiful look at. Overall the place was extremely peaceful and quiet, which is a big difference from the bustling Hong Kong that I have seen so far. I could imagine myself taking peaceful walks here from time to time. If you need some peace and quiet, or need to a break from studying, I recommend going here!

Tuesday – 9/6/2016

After class, I didn’t just want to go home so my friends and I were brainstorming what to do. One of us suggested the Ten Thousand Buddha Monastery. Never been, I thought “Sure, why not?” Located in Sha Tin, I noticed that there were a lot of steps – 431 to be exact. 

Walking up the steps, there are Buddha statues guiding you to the top. I couldn’t help notice that some of them had very funny faces and poses. My friends and I would point out which ones we thought were the funniest. We reached a point in the stairs where there was a pavilion. From here, we saw beautiful Buddhist statues and the skyline of Hong Kong. 

Inside one of the temples, we decided to get a fortune done. According to my fortune, I will have to suffer in order to reach happiness. Not sure how I felt about the suffering, but I’m satisfied that I will be happy in the future.  This monastery was very different from what I am used to seeing, but it was definitely unforgettable.

Wednesday – 9/7/2016 

As a foodie, I have to make sure to go to the best restaurants in Hong Kong. One of the restaurants on my list was Australian Dairy Company. Everyone raves about their breakfast so I knew I had to go. After waiting 15-20 minutes, we were seated. There were a lot of amazing choices, but I decided to get the set which was spaghetti soup, scrambled eggs, and plain toast. It was very delicious! Even after eating my whole set, I was still craving, so I ordered toast with butter and condensed milk. The toast one of the best things I ate in my life. It melted in my mouth and it was so sweet, it made me think I was eating a dessert. I highly recommend everyone to come here for breakfast – it is worth the wait!

Thursday –  9/8/2016 

When I first arrived at Hong Kong, I knew I wanted to hike because the mountains were the first thing I saw when I landed. After getting recommendations, my friends and I decided to go up Tai Mo Shan.

When we arrived at the mountain, we were confused by where to start so we went to the information center. “You know this is the hardest route in Hong Kong,” the employee told us. Hearing that, I was nervous because it was my first time hiking ever, but I thought “It is not going to be too bad.” Well, well, well, I proved myself wrong.

For my first hike, I never felt so tired in my life. We started walking at 10:00 am and we didn’t finish till 6pm – A 7 HOUR HIKE! I couldn’t believe that I did something like that, but I saw amazing sights; from the skyline to waterfalls, it was so beautiful. Also, during my hike, we had a bunch of mishaps that would later turn into funny memories later. While it was very tiring, I made good memories. I recommend everyone to go, but make sure to prepare yourself!

Friday –  9/9/2016 

After hiking 7 hours, I was a bit tired so I decided to take it easy. All of us decided to go hang out in Mong Kok for the night. Even though I live near Mong Kok, I never been there on a Friday night. Now I am wondering why I haven’t since Mong Kok is so alive on weekends. They close down portions of the streets so that vendors, street performers, and people can gather. I loved seeing older people singing to old Chinese songs because there would be people dancing and clapping along. I also enjoyed seeing the street performers; one in particular that I remember performed Michael Jackson before jumping through a hoop!  I highly recommend for everyone to visit Mong Kok on the weekends; you won’t regret it! 


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