Thursday, January 8, 2015


Kengo Kasahara, Waseda University, Japan

8 October 2014, Wednesday 

I joined the Global Festival Night. There were many booths and shows organized by people from different cultural backgrounds. I ate various foods such as Indonesian, Taiwanese, Korean, and so on. As I have never been to other countries except Hong Kong, it was a new and fresh experience for me. Taiwan food is so delicious. The taste is not that strong and oily, so it might be suitable for Japanese, like me. After this first taste, I really want to go Taiwan! lol

After having diner, we watched shows, which were demonstrated by people from different countries. The performances were so cool and each team had their own characters, especially the Korean team, which impressed me a lot. The Korean dance and songs were so cool! They were very sexy as well! lol

During global festival night, many people asked me about holding a Japanese booth. As there are only a few exchange students from Japan, I didn’t plan for holding a booth related to our culture. But now I really regret we didn’t hold one. I think there are many Japanese characters worth sharing, such as Sushi, Kimono, pop music, and so on.

This event not only giving me opportunity to appreciate other cultures but also reflect on Japanese, Next time we will hold one for Japan. Don’t miss it!

9 October 2014,Thursday

This evening we cooked Japanese food and held a small party! One of my Japanese friends came from near Osaka where is famous for delicious foods. She can cook a lot of delicious food, so we would like to organize this small party.  
What we cooked today is called Okonomiyaki. I’m not sure, but Chinese name is 大坂烧. It’s made of cabbage, flour, pork. After baking, we put sauce on it. This sauce is most important! This sauce has strong and unique taste, so we must use it.
Actually, in Japan when we cook this food we use the big plate as usual. If we use such plates, we can cook by ourselves and chitchat. It’s really funny. However, this time we didn’t prepare it. So  the Japanese girl had to cook for us. I really appreciate her.
She is really a good cook. It’s so yummy and my friends also said so. We really enjoyed and had a great time.

Thank you guys for coming and next time let’s cook together by using big plate!!


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