Thursday, January 8, 2015


Kengo Kasahara, Waseda University, Japan

                                                                  27 October 2014, Monday

This is the first day of Week 9 and October has almost finished. As I came to Hong Kong on 24 August, I have stayed here for 2 months. My mid-term exams already finished but final exams are coming. Time flies. Now, I get used to Hong Kong life but I still have many things to do.

First, I want to improve my English. Some of my friends said my English got better. I am really glad to hear that, but I still think I have to practice more. I sometimes can’t hear and follow the conversations when I talk with westerners. I want to communicate with different kinds of people, so I should endeavor to study English.

Second, I would like to learn Mandarin. When I was in Japanese University, I have learned some basic Mandarin. Therefore, one of my aims for this exchange program is to master Mandarin. Because I couldn’t take Mandarin course in Hong Kong, I have learned it through asking my friends. However, I don’t think it’s enough, so I have to think of another way to study Mandarin.

These are kinds of serious reflections, but most important thing is not being lazy. From today, I swear I will write this blog every day…lol 

28 October 2014,Tuesday 

This is the first day of Week 9 and October has almost finished. As I came to Hong Kong on 24 August, I have stayed here for 2 months. My mid-term exams already finished but final exams are coming. Time flies. Now, I get used to Hong Kong life but I still have many things to do.
First, I want to improve my English. Some of my friends said my English got better. I am really glad to hear that, but I still think I have to practice more. I sometimes can’t hear and follow the conversations when I talk with westerners. I want to communicate with different kinds of people, so I should endeavor to study English.

Second, I would like to learn Mandarin. When I was in Japanese University, I have learned some basic Mandarin. Therefore, one of my aims for this exchange program is to master Mandarin. Because I couldn’t take Mandarin course in Hong Kong, I have learned it through asking my friends. However, I don’t think it’s enough, so I have to think of another way to study Mandarin.

These are kinds of serious reflections, but most important thing is not being lazy. From today, I swear I will write this blog every day…lol 

28 October 2014,Wednesday

Today I walked around Mong Kok to repair my cell phone. Yesterday I dropped it and the screen cracked…Actually, my phone was bought in Hong Kong, so it’s still new and I really like it. I was so depressed and wanted to repair it. I asked my roommate, who is local student, and he suggest me I should go to Mong Kok because there was many repair shops. I visited many shops and asked them the repairing price. I have heard from some of my friends that some shops would cheat me because I am not local people. Therefore, my roommate checked the average price for me. As the structure of my cellphone is complicated, the repair cost was around 800 HK dollars. In fact, each shop told me around 800 dollars, but finally I found the cheapest cost was 680 dollars! I had been walking around for one and half-hour and I was exhausted. Although the screen was cracked, my phone still worked well. I then made up my mind and decided not to repair it. The money should be spent on buying new shoes or clothes. I really like fashion and shopping lol After all, I just bought a case for my phone to protect it and new shoes in Clarks!! Though I could get a discount, I paid for around 1000 dollars lol

 29 October, 2014,Thursday

First, I will write about last night dinner because I didn’t do anything special today lol. Last night I went to Hong Ham and had dinner in Japanese yakiniku restaurant with a Japanese friend! When we entered the restaurant, the staff greeted in Japanese. I felt relieved because it reminded me of Japanese life. Actually in Japan that restaurant has ‘all you can eat’ service, which costs around HK$200. However, we couldn’t find this kind of restaurant in Hong Kong. Therefore, the prices were a little more expensive but meat was so yummy. We were satisfied with the dishes.

Today I went to Muji, which is also aJapanese brand shop, and bought some staff to tidy up my desk. Actually it’s so messy…lol. After shopping, I went to Japanese Ramen restaurant. Indeed in Japan we have many kinds of them and much cheaper and more delicious…I miss Japanese food!!

Anyway, I hope my desk becomes well organized.

31 October 2014, Friday

Today is Halloween!! I went to LKF to celebrate it with my friends. When I arrived in Central station, I was really surprised because there were too many people and so crowded. We couldn’t walk and it’s really hard to even meet up with others. Moreover, it took around 2 hours to enter LKF…it’s like attractions in Disney land lol
After getting in LKF area, it’s still so crowded, but we could still enter the nightclub. We really enjoyed dancing and drinking!!
Actually, though in Japan celebrating Halloween is getting popular, I did it for the first time. I found many people with really cool costumes. I didn’t buy such costumes, so now I regret for not buying it and I should have tried special make-up lol
Anyway, there were so crowded and I’m so tired, but I had a great time and I could experience Hong Kong Halloween. Next year I will wear some costumes and celebrate Halloween in Tokyo!!
P.S. Thank you for good photo, bunny boys!!lol


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