Monday, October 21, 2013


Ines Nsiri, Concordia University, Canada

Monday : Macau one day Trip

On the first week in Hong Kong, many exchange students need to get their student visa validated at the border. Some of us needed to go to Macau to make the trip. For me a I decided to take the full day to explore Macau
We took a one-hour ferry to Macau (300HKD for round trip) and arrived there at 10am. We spent the morning and early afternoon visiting A Ma Temple, Saint Paul’s ruins, Senado Square, St Domingo’s church etc… and of course we ended the day with a visit the famous Macau Casinos. An absolute must for anyone who likes make some money, or lose some….

Tuesday : Big Buddha Lanatau Island

The first week i arrived to Hong Kong was very busy with the university orientation events that i didn’t get much time to visit the city. Luckily our orientation program included a visit to Lantau island to see the big buddha.
The big buddha is located in Ngong Ping Lantau island and it is part of the Po Lin Monastery
Tian Tan Buddha statue (informally known as the Big Buddha) was built in 1993. It is 34 meters high and faces the north (Usual Buddhas face south) to look over the Chinese people. It is the second largest outdoor sitting Buddha in the World (The largest one is in Taiwan).
You can climb 286 steps to get to the Lotus platform where the status is sitting. It might seem like a sweaty climb up but the view is totally worth it
Inside the big Buddha, there are three accessible floors containing the relics of Gautama Buddha. Access there is limited and you can not take pictures inside. However the platform has an amazing view and you can also enjoy looking at the  ”Six Offering Divas” surrounding the big Buddha and kneeing in front of him with offerings.

Wednesday : MongKok street food

Even if you are in Hong Kong for the first time, you must have heard about MongKok. It is a great place to experience the real Hong Kong street life.
MongKok is house to the famous ladies markets on Tung Choi street, Sports markets on Fa Yeung street and the well known Nathan Road.
When I first visited MongKok, I walked for hours shopping and looking around. And I was very happy to have a wide range of food options available for me. There are a lot of sit down style chinese restaurants, food stands serving soups, bbq chicken and beef, fish balls etc.. These food stands are so famous that sometimes you find a lineup of people in front. You can also grab of the Hong Kong famous Gong Cha (Bubble tea) on your home home 

Thursday :  Sunset at Lau Fau Shan

When living in Hong Kong, skyscrapers and high-rise building always block your view. However it only takes 30min to get away and enjoy a more natural landscape. This time, i went to watch the sunset at Lau Fau Shan.
Lau Fau Shan is a fishing village on the North coast of Hong Kong’s New Territories, facing Shenzhen in Mainland China. It used to be known for oyster harvesting but not anymore. Now is it famous for for its street of seafood restaurants.
It is also one of the most popular places to see the sunset in Hong Kong, the old fishing boats, rafts and Shenzhen bay bridge.
I arrived to Lau Fau Village, around one hour before the sunset and there was already a lineup of photographers setting up their tripods. So if you are really serious about getting good shots, you should get there early. As the time passed by, i get to see the view turn from gold to pink and afterwards the bridge lit up and the lights from Shenzhen made up a beautiful night landscape.

Friday : Hike up Victoria Peak

I arrived to Hong Kong in early September and this year, the temperatures were above average. In the first couple weeks the weather was so hot that i would think twice before going out. This made any day hikes out of question, so i decided that my first Hong Kong hike would be a night hike to Victoria Peak.
Victoria Peak is the highest mountain on Hong Kong island with an altitude of 552m. It is one of the biggest touristic attractions in Hong Kong offering views over Central, Victoria Harbor and Lamma Island
The total length of the hike is 11 km with an elevation of 500m. It took us about 2hours 30 minutes to finish the hike with few (or many) breaks to take photos
The hike starts at Central MTR along the Des Voeux Road. Then, we crossed through LKF until the Old Peak road . From there, the road was very steep that i started sweating in no time and felt so thankful for not doing this hike during the day. We stopped by the Peak Tram station to catch our breath and take some photos.
We kept walking until we reached the touristy observation point. Then walked around the Victoria Peak counter clock wise on Lugard Road trail and had some great views over Victoria harbor.


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