Thursday, January 8, 2015


Kengo Kasahara, Waseda University, Japan

3 November 2014 , Monday

Week 10 just started and I noticed some classes had last lectures because of presentations or projects. I really surprised as it means I have to prepare for such ones…actually I have never delivered presentations in Japan, so I am really nervous. I should spend more time preparing them though I haven’t started yet…lol
By the way, today I had a Green Economics assignment, but it was so difficult. Though my major is economics, I am not good at it and even hate it. I can’t perfectly understand economics in even Japanese; therefore I should not understand it in English!! I was really suffering from Economics. In addition, I will have a quiz next week. Anyway, I have no choice but to review it harder. I hope I can get higher score.

However, I have a positive topic. These days I have thought of the plan in winter break. At first I plan to stay in Hong Kong and go to Taiwan with my girlfriend. However, I don’t have much money to travel so I have to go back to Japan.

4 November 2014, Tuesday

Today I went to Poly U in order to do a kind of volunteer work with some Japanese students. The Japanese professor, who teaches in Poly U, had to help us to translate with her students who study Japanese. I heard they had studied Japanese for only 6 or 7 months. However, their Japanese were so good and we could chat almost naturally. I really glad to feel Japanese culture is very popular among Hong Kong people. Actually, these days Korean culture is getting popular…lol
Anyway, we had a great time in Poly U. I want to join these activities again.

After that, the professor took us to the restaurant, which was famous for Peking duck. Actually, this was the main reason I join lol. It is my first time to eat Peking Duck and it was really nice. It’s very famous in Japan but expensive, so I had no opportunity to try it. First I started learning how to eat it. I also drink much beer!! I really like drinking. However, I found Hong Kong people didn’t drink alcohol as usual. In Japan, we university students always drink and get excited lol The professor also like drinking, so I drank too much a little bit…so even now I am drunk. Next time I want to drink with local students!!

5 November 4, 2014,Wednesday

Actually, today I had nothing special, so I’m just thinking of the contents of this blog…lol All right, let me write about my girlfriend!!
I have a girlfriend in Japan. We have been dating for around four months. Therefore it’s not so a long time. In my opinion, my situation isn’t really bad because I lived in student residence now and have many friends. I don’t feel lonely a lot. However, she may feel lonely. This is why I talk with her almost every night via facetime!!lol Actually, we sometimes talk for round 3 or 4 hours  and after that we get so tired. Certainly, some people may say I should communicate with foreigners more. However, I think it’s important to chat with girlfriend so as to maintain our good relationship.
Though we can see our faces every day, we still miss each other. These days we have discussed the plan for winter break. Then, after all, we made a decision and she is coming to Hong Kong!! It will cost a lot if she decide to stay at Hong Kong, so after we stay here 2 or 3 days we will go to Taiwan for a week. I am really looking forward to seeing her. We have to confirm our plan in detail. I have many exchange friends from Taiwan. I can ask them about Taiwan.

6 November 2014,Thursday

Today I watched Japanese movie in Festival walk with my friends. The movie is called 渇罪 in Chinese. The story is complicated, but I will try to explain briefly. The main character is a girl, who is insane. In the story she is gone and her father is looking for her. However, her parents are also crazy and divorced. Father had melancholy and was alcoholic. Mother had affairs. That’s why their daughter went to mad. The original story of this movie is a novel which has same title. I haven’t read and the structure of this movie was so complicated, so it’s really hard for even me Japanese to understand. I mean I couldn’t understand the reason she was crazy. Indeed, almost all characters in this movie were crazy or strange. In addition, it had a kind of grotesque scenes. In short, this movie was strange and grotesque. However, these characteristics were also attractive points.
After watching the movie, we sang Karaoke. This was my first time to go to Karaoke in Hong Kong. Karaoke was from Japan and so popular in Japan. Of course, I really like Karaoke. I was surprised to find many Japanese songs in Hong Kong Karaoke. Actually the song were not new , but I could still enjoy it.


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