Monday, October 1, 2012


Asif Khanbhai, from Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada

September 24, 2012, Monday

Like most days, the day began with a trek to Homey Kitchen - an inexpensive meal option and place to meet  other exchange students at almost any hour of the day.  Since  I have only one class on Monday afternoon's (Marketing in China) I  decided to take the MTR East Rail Line to Hung Hom - a station and area I had yet to see. Spent a few hours walking around, taking in the local sights. No plan or "to see list", simply walking in search of something new to see or local cuisine to taste!

September 25, 2012, Tuesday

Woke up late - again, a reoccurring trend since I'm fortunate enough to have no classes earlier than noon.  Mandarin is my only class Tuesday and its one which is turning out to be one of my favorite! If you walked into our  class unaware it was a Mandarin class you would think myself and the other exchange students in the class were in a singing class! Mandarin is an interesting language to learn and hopefully with time I'll be able to converse with a local! In the evening, went out with other exchange students and other members of the exchange club  to a Thai restaurant as part of what's becoming a Tuesday evening ritual of dining in different restaurants in Hong Kong.

September 26, 2012, Wednesday

Wednesday is my day off.  Decided to catch up on some assignments and course work in the afternoon. In the evening went to Mong Kok with a few friends looking for a barber. Finally, after walking the streets of Mong Kok for 30 min and several awkward moments of price inquiring then walking out we finally stumbled upon a Barber. For 60 HK , shampoo + head massage + haircut - no way could I get the same treatment back home anywhere close to the same time. Whilst in Mong Kok, we decided to check out Ladies Market and pick up a couple of souvenirs for friends and family back home.  In Ladies Market you can really lose track of time looking at all sorts of items for sale. The best part is being able to bargain!

September 27, 2012

Thursday is one of my busiest days of the week with class from 1- 6pm - Mandarin tutorial and Process Innovation and Change Management.  After class, I met up with  few friends and headed to Victoria Harbor to catch a glimpse of the skyline and light show. The best part is taking the ferry across the harbor and the view is breathtaking. We also saw the Bruce Lee statue and did our best impersonation of his signature pose! Though we have been in Hong Kong for  a month - we someone managed to get ourselves however getting lost is probably the best way to explore Hong Kong as you find new things you never intended or planned on seeing.

September 28, 2012

Today marks the beginning of hopefully several weekend trips I have the opportunity to go on. I and a small group of friends leave for Manila Philippines. Looking forward to city sightseeing, a day tour to Taal Volcano and the amazing beaches!


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