Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Alina Tchjan and Alice Nguyen, from HEC Montréal, Canada

Dear readers,

We are two exchange students coming from HEC Montréal, Canada and we are studying in City University of Hong Kong for one semester. After a few months staying in this great city we decide to write this short blog to share some of our favourites places, activities in Hong Kong. Each of us will describe two activities, following with some pictures that we took along our journey.

Victoria Peak

The two activities that I have decided to relate about Hong Kong is my experience on The Peak and the two most famous beaches of Hong Kong: Stanley Beach and Repulse Bay.

To begin with, I believe that my visit to The Victoria Peak is one of my greatest experiences in Hong Kong. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was already in the city for two days, not knowing where to go because there were so many things to do and see, after all, it was the first time I trod the soil of Asia-Pacific!

So for the second consecutive night, I joined the other exchange students in the lawn, direction: "The Peak". I did not know what to expect.

It is true that I had traveled, laminated, quite a few different guides on the city of Hong Kong, and by memory, I remember only that we would be taken to a place where you can see a beautiful view over the city.

All of this activity was fascinating. I think one of the most notable of this activity is to ride in this old-style tram, and discover little by little, the splendid night view of Hong Kong, more and more impressive as the tram goes higher.

Also, I had the chance to discover more about the construction of the Peak and the utility of this Tram through the ages. I did, not one second, was disappointed by what I saw once reached the top. Huge, impressive, amazing.

The great night view from the Peak

I had the impression that Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps, animated and illuminated by thousands and thousands of lights. While visiting the Peak, having an incredible insight into the density of this city, I knew I was in my place; therefore I was determined to discover every corner of this city for the next four months.

Stanley Beach and Repulse Bay

Filled with this motivation, this experience leads me to recount my visit, or rather my many visits, in a place that I find unusual and reminds me a lot of my home: Stanley and Repulse Bay Beach.

Who knew that such sublime beaches hide in a city as urbanized? It is therefore in a desire to get away from the big city, I found these two beautiful beaches.

The city view from the bus

Repulse Bay may seem in itself to a small seaside town. Stanley Beach, with its market, is more subtle. Not only the sight of these two beaches is stunning, especially during sunsets, but all the way to get there, is also worth visiting. So sitting at the front of the second floor of the bus traveling to these beaches offers another breathtaking view over the city as well at first, and on beaches, bays, and huge houses at the end.

Sunset in Stanley beach

To continue our journey in Hong Kong, I will describe my two favourite’s places in this crowded but also charming city.

Wong Tai Sin temple

After a month living in Hong Kong and visiting different famous sights, I decided to visit Wong Tai Sin temple to witness the spiritual ritual and enhance my culture knowledge about Hong Kong.

First, I was so surprised by the big crowd of worshipers in front of the temple even on a week day. There were little shops, free-lance flower sellers, some tourists, and lots of worshipers that made the entrance of the temple very animated. Needless to say, the architecture of the temple is beautiful; there main altar of Wong Tai Sin temple is fill with people kneeing and practicing kau cim in search for a spiritual answer. I was fascinated to see how they were so concentrated and sincere saying their prayers and hoping for the right bamboo stick to drop from the wooden box.

Right behind the temple, there is also the Good Wish Garden that is very well designed with a waterfall, a miniature lake filled with turtles, some bridges and lots of flowers. The garden is surrounded by all the big buildings in the area, I guess it is part of Hong Kong, after all, it is such a dense city but they manage to arrange so many greens spaces for people to relax and enjoy the scenery. I end my visit by seating on a bench and contemplate the nice and animated scenery in front of the temple thinking enjoying my exchange semester.

Worshipers in Wong Tai Sin temple

Hiking in Sai Kung

After a random meeting with a final year law student in City University, I was invited for my first hike in Hong Kong along with others hikers from Hong Kong. We were a group of 40 persons from all around the world doing different things in our life but we live in the same city and share the same hobby that is hiking.

Even with the foggy, rainy and cold weather, all of us enjoyed it very much. During the hike, people were off course taking pictures, discussing and even singing in Chinese, French, and English, it was a very interesting cultural clash. Hong Kong is a great city to meet people from around the globe. I had such an amazing time during this hike; I had a chance to meet new friends in Hong Kong while enjoying the fresh air.

After two hours of hiking, we arrived in this wonderful deserted beach where we had a short picnic. We end the hike in front of the Hong Kong Global Geopark of China. For us, the exchange student, this experience was unforgettable in many ways.

Hong Kong Global Geopark

Finally, we would like to thank both of our universities (HEC Montréal and City University of HK) for giving us such a great opportunity. This exchange semester is certainly memorable for both of us and we are sure for others exchange students as well.


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