Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Jill Innis, from Oregon state University, United States

October 3, 2011 Monday

Two words: Group meetings. At City University, I have more group meetings than anything else that I do. Since I have about two group projects per class and am involved in various activities, it seems that I have a group meeting every night of the week. This is very different from my university in the United States. We maybe have a total of two group projects per semester. I actually like being in all the groups because I am having a fun time meeting all the local students. It is interesting seeing the different cultural perspectives.

October 4, 2011 Tuesday

Unlike most of the exchange students going to Hong Kong, one of the sites I was most looking forward to was Disneyland. Although the local students suggested that I skip it and go to Ocean Park instead, there was no convincing me differently. I had a great time at Disneyland with the shops, rides, and both parades. I especially loved Space Mountain!! It was great to see that the adults and children in Hong Kong have such a fun place to go and that they can enjoy the same great memories as I did when I was a child visiting Disneyland in the United States. I liked to see some of the cultural differences such as the brightly colored costumes and of course, the local food. Also, since the park is smaller, it is possible to see and do everything in one day. This is not possible in the U.S.

October 5, 2011 Wednesday

Exercise is really important to me. I was happy to see when I came to Hong Kong that there were exercise facilities available. My favorite place to go is Shek Kip Mei Park. My friend and I usually go running there in the evenings. Sometimes for fun I like to do the exercise stations. The thing that I find so interesting is how many people go there in the evenings. Also, the age of most of the people there is higher than I expected. In the U.S., the average age seems to be the college students to some young adults, but you rarely see the elderly people out exercising. In my hometown, if we want to go running, we have to go along the sidewalks or pay a gym membership. We have no facilities like this park provides in my hometown. I think it is great that there is this park especially since the space in Hong Kong is so limited.

October 6, 2011 Thursday

One of my favorite residence hall activities is our Thursday dessert night. First, let me say that I love dessert. Second, it is even better when someone else is making it for me. One of my hobbies is making different types of desserts. So far, we have had mango pudding, red beans with tong yuen, and honey cake. All of these were new foods for me. More than the dessert though, I love getting together with the other students and talking with them and getting to know them. I think that we have one of the best floors. I have my own apartment in the U.S., so I am really enjoying this social experience that I do not get back at home.

October 7, 2011 Friday

Friday nights in the United States are generally for going out on the town, hanging out with friends and going to parties, not for staying in the residence halls. This Friday night I do not mind studying in my room because I have one of the best roommates. When I came to City University, I was a little nervous about having to share a room with someone. I was so lucky to get my roommate, Jodie. We get along really well and sometimes stay up too late talking. We have really learned so many differences in our cultures. She is from Mainland China and I find her stories interesting because I previously did not know much about China. My biggest surprise here is how late the local students stay up at night. I always fall asleep before she does. When I have to go back to my hometown in December, I will really miss her a lot!!


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