Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Chao Pei-Yu (Sherry)@ CityU, Hong Kong(from National Taiwan University)

Monday 12 Oct, 2009
Thanks for my friend- Linda's invitation. I finally could eat sushi which is half price at night! Lots of people say it is good and worth-eating. Now I ried and felt it was really great. I met 2 locals, Oliver and Sylvia who are so nice. Also i met Nuria who has been in the same class with me these days. =) At about 9:30 p.m. we arrived the restaurant- Shushi one, but evern though the prefrence starts at 10:00 pm, there were already so many people waiting. OMG! Fortunately, we just waited for a while and started eating delicious sushi. the quality and taste were so good and all five of us rnjoyed the meal very much. Next time, I'll go ther again and maybe ask locals to introduce me other wonderful restaurants!

Tuesday 13 Oct, 2009
In order to prepare for my mid-term, I went to the library in CityU. Howverm it took me a lot of time to find a seat to sit down. i walked around, trying to fina place and study but I failed. So I decided to leave and have lunch first. Finally, i fould a seat when I went back to the library. The environment was so quiet and nice that I could concentrate on my studies. It reminded me the time when I studied in my university's library in taiwan. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages I think. Haha~:)

Wednesday 14 Oct, 2009
Because the coming mid-autumn festival, there was a hall gathering to celebrate the holiday. i arrived a little bit late but fortunately I still caught up the Chinese singing session. One of my good friends from Turkey she performed on the stage. I cheered loudly when she sang and I admired her for singing Mandarin song- " The moon represnts my heart" so well!!! It was really magic to hear four foreigners singing Chinese song. :D Besides, I saw lots of foreigners writing calligraphy at that gathering. So interesting! Anyway, the gathering was great and I had lots of fun. :)

Thursday 15 Oct, 2009
I went t HK island for dinner and my local friend introduced me to take the tram there. the tram was tall and slender, also it was double- decked which you can't see that kind of bus in Taiwan. From my perspective, it was a special experience to take the tram. When you looked out of the window, you can feel the gnetle touch of breeze and apreciate the beauty of HK island. Lots of pretty buildings there. We took the tram from Wan Chai to Sheung Wan and it was so cheap, only cost $2 HKD each. For me, trying different transportation in Hk is alwasys a pleasant experience!

Friday 16 Oct, 2009
in taiwan we don't celebrate halloween so when friends invited me to Ocean Park fo the halloween theme, I realy felt so excited! Six iof us dresses up and made up as different characters, such as a ghost, a witch, Elvis Presley and I was a princess. Haha! =) Many horrible ghosts walked around in Ocean Park to frighten crowds and the atmosphere there really made me scared. Because too many people that day and it took a long time for waiting, we onlt entered four haunted houses but I still enjoyed it. One of my friend was soscared that she even cried for the terrifying design. Hahahahaha~ I was strong enough to face the ghousts there! What a happy day to experience the Halloween in HK!


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