Monday, September 7, 2009


Paddy Sham @ CityU, Hong Kong (From San Jose State University, USA)

Monday, 31 Aug 2009
WOW~! Finally the start of school, I’ve been waiting a long time for this day actually. What a hectic day for me, walking in the main hall was like going through Mongkok MTR station during rush hour! There are people everywhere! Swimming through the crowd, I navigated through the one building where all my classes were (I got lost at some point though >_<, but having all classes in one building and not having to go out and face the hot humid weather is so nice.

As always with first days of school, you get that nervous, uneasy feeling walking for the first time into a class (especially as a exchange student, when you don’t know anyone!). Thinking thoughts like “Am I going to fit in?” or “Am I going to make friends?” but once I got into the rooms I forgot all those thoughts, every class was so relaxing and the atmosphere nice. Especially in Putonghua class, everyone is a exchange student, so we’re all on the same boat. Haha pretty happy with today, I think I made my first friend here. =] I think its going to be a good semester……I can feel it!

Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009
Got to sleep in late today ^___^ , because my first class was at 12:30. Had my mandarin class today, the professor is so nice, every time I see her, she makes me smile. Today we learned Mandarin pronunciations and the words “Ni Hao”. After getting off from class a friend took me to a local temple, which was quite interesting. The smell of burning incense, and the hum of the monks, took me to a different world. Being able to be immerses in a culture is a amazing experience so different from just seeing it on the TV.

I’ve noticed that a lot of people walk around to get places, in America; most people get around by car. My cell phone has a step counter built in, and I average around 16 miles of walking a day! I guess it can take the place of my daily exercise if I’m lazy =P

Then during the night, my friend took me to eat latenight sushi in Mongkok. After 10 pm, all sushi is half price! We ordered well over a table full of sushi! Yum yum! And afterwards we when to temple street to eat rice casseroles called “Bo Jai Fan”, so good I’m actually still full right now =]Lets see what the rest of the week brings, this is turning out to be one of those great weeks where you just about enjoy every moment

Wedesday, 2 Sep 2009

Today is my day off, which in other words, I get to sleep in. Waking up around 1PM was a nice but having to face the homework assigned from my accounting class was not. So I go get dressed and head over to the library to do my homework, preparing financial statements..Ugh. The professor never talked about it in class, and he assigns this to be due next lecture! So I ended up having to teach myself how to do it. All in all, I spent around 5 hours sitting in the library Maybe the standards are different here, maybe the professors expect more, but wow, this is pretty tough. Hopefully I won’t get as much work as the weeks pass..

But other then the massive workload, I had a relaxing day, after going to the library I headed over to Lan Kwai Fong (LKF) for a drink with friends. The night life in Hong Kong is pretty amazing, even on a Wednesday night, the bars are packed with people, no wonder this place is sometimes called the city that never sleeps.

Oh by the way, when I was going through Mongkok, I saw a lot of people burning incenses and offerings on the streets. Turns out, it’s Yue Lan Jeet, the festival where the gates of Hell open up….pretty creepy. Let’s hope that I can sleep well tonight

Thursday, 3 Sep 2009

I love the food in CityU’s canteen! Cheap, beautiful, and great! I had a BBQ port rice today for lunch, so cheap and yummy. Only 15 dollars! Eating something like that in the States can cost around HKD 45 easily. I think I’m going to be spending a lot of time at the canteen, after all, as a college student I got to save some cash! After lunch today I went to my Management class, to be frank, I can’t believe how monotone the professor is. It just puts me to sleep. The whole entire time I was dozing off. Hopefully tomorrow’s classes aren’t that boring.

I was walking around Hong Kong in the afternoon and happened to look up, and see a bunch of high rises, just about everywhere there are high rises. Because where I’m from, I actually don’t see a lot of high rises everywhere, so seeing so many in one place, is just amazing to me =]

Off to bed now, got an early class tomorrow, looking forward to this weekend though, can’t believe how fast this week passed by, it’s almost Friday already! Hope these weeks will slow down though, I would like to enjoy more of Hong Kong. I know I’m going to miss this place a lot when I leave.

Friday, 4 Sep 2009

Today is Friday, the end of a good week. My first week here at City University was a very nice experience. But the main difference from the US might just be the workload might be more. Right now I have puffy eyes from all the reading that I’ve been doing for the last couple hours.

i actually didn't go anywhere today, except to go to class and go the library to do homework. I got to school at 9 am...and right now its yea, I've been here a long time today, in just a little bit I think I will go to the canteen and have dinner. And then go home to my nice comfy bed. It’s been a long day today. I got to school at 8am and went to 2 classes, and then did homework until 9 at night O_O

On the other hand, the weekend is here, so it is all alright ^___^

but oh no… I’m going to bed right now….I’m feeling that my throat is starting to hurt…..not good.

Hopefully it will get better soon, I really don’t want to be sic during school…that is the worst!

Its been a wonderful week here in Hong Kong, let’s hope that every week gets better and better.


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